Sunday, March 15, 2009

Field Trip to Picher Ok Superfund site

16 entrepid photographers went to Picher and Cardin Ok and Treece Ks to document the site of one of the largest ecological disasters in this part of the country. Zinc was mined in this area (under the town) for most of the last century. When they quit mining, the tunnels filled with water and contaminated the groundwater. the government has been trying to move people out for years but many remain. To add insult to injury, a tornado struck last year, killing several and demolishing many houses.

We took pictures of old buildings and abandoned houses. We also shot the "chat piles" or mine tailings. They are everywhere and they contribute to the contamination. Most of the buildings will be demolished eventually. More pictures at SpiveyPhoto.

We had an excellent time and had a wonderful mexican lunch in Miami.

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