Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I got my big gun back last month from Canon repair. The problem was fixed but now it back focuses badly. I've got a ticket open and hope they will fix it. Stay posted. BTW, this is a composite. The lens align from the actual test was cut and pasted into this image.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Bristow Chrysler Plymouth sign

I saw this sign a few months ago on Flickr. I had to go to google streets to find it. I left work Friday afternoon to get to Bristow for sunset. All the way down the Turnpike things were looking great. Spotty clouds for interest but plenty of sun to light the sign. Of course, when I pulled off the turnpike this huge cloudbank covered the sun. I took some brackets while I was waiting for a hole that never came.

The wind was howling and I never could get the branches in the lower part of the picture to align in the bracketed shots, so I used one shot and worked it over in HDR Efex Pro (single shot), Viveza, Color Efex Pro, and Lightroom 4 Beta. Canon 5D Mk II, 24-105.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

New BridgeQuest Recon

After our successful BridgQuest Meetup last year, I thought I would organize another one. I have been shooting a lot of Truss Bridges lately and they are relatively easy to find on Google Maps. Toan and I decided to get an early start and so had breakfast at Jimmy's Egg. When we walked in, we found Jim and Leona Jordan who were on their way back to Bosque del Apache New Mexico.

We went to a couple of bridges that we had been to before including one that is very close to a winery. How about a little tasting after the shoot?

There were a few I had listed that were inaccessible or just not very interesting. I was running down the interstate and caught a truss bridge out of the corner of my eye just after Stroud that I didn't have listed. I doubled back to look for it. Found it plus this giant spherical oilfield storage tank. Later, we went to Shamrock which is almost a ghost town. Very enjoyable day.