Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dallas Skyline and car trails

This picture was taken at 6:28am Sunday morning. The traffic on the Stemmons Freeway (I35E) was already heavy. Canon 5d Mk II 20 seconds f10 ISO 100 105mm with an ND8 filter.

Busted trip gone good

Surfing through the regional photography meetups, I found a DFW Photography Group meetup where they were going to shoot Dallas skyline and car light trails from the roof of the 30 story Renaissance hotel on I-35. I drove the 250 miles from Tulsa, checked in to my room at the hotel, fired up my laptop and found out the meetup was cancelled! Seems the hotel had forgotten they had scheduled a pool party on the roof at the same time. I was really bummed.

I went to the roof to look around. There was only one place to shoot from. I found out later that the organizer had arranged ladders to access a different part of the roof. I noticed the pool opens at 6 am so I got up early and went up and got some shots. They have a wall around the top for safety and I had to extend my tripod as high as it would go - close to 7 feet. Not too stable for 20 second shots. Many were not sharp but I got a few that were very sharp.

One of the organizers invited me to go on a photowalk with a small group of medium and large format film photographers Sunday morning. I was the only digital guy. I had a great time and got some good images and talked to some very interesting people.

All in all, for a busted trip, it was pretty good.